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Pau Hana Friday for Nov. 1

from bottom left) Trader Vic’s 1944 Mai Tai; Hanalei Sling created for Tiki Iniki by Julie Reiner; Pina Colada from Caribe Hilton in Puerto Rico; Lovely Lini with pineapple puree and lemon juice. Daniel Lane photo

Tiki Iniki cocktails (from bottom left) Trader Vic’s 1944 Mai Tai; Hanalei Sling created for Tiki Iniki by Julie Reiner; Pina Colada from Caribe Hilton in Puerto Rico; Lovely Lini with pineapple puree and lemon juice. Daniel Lane photo


Bill 2491 Vetoed

Mayor Bernard P. Carvalho, Jr. has vetoed Bill 2491, Relating to Pesticides and Genetically Modified Organisms, which was passed by the County Council on October 16. Continue Reading →

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