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Kauai Guidebook Launch – Cocktail Parties Set for Holiday Season

Sidebar_Book_CoverThe new edition of our restaurant guidebook is now available and Viviane Gilbert Stein, the book’s editor, wrote the following article. During this season of thanks, Dan, Michelle and I would like to express our gratitude for your support. We have enjoyed sharing food with you during our food tours and cultivating new friendships and keeping in touch. It was humbling last year, when some residents drove clear across the island, just to meet us and get a signed copy of our first book. We’ve enjoyed conversations on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and hope you’ll be able to join us at one of these parties. And now, I’ll pass the keyboard to Viviane …

Foodies, rejoice! The latest version of “Tasting Kauai: Restaurants 2015 — An Insider’s Guide to Eating Well on the Garden Island” has been released, just in time for the holidays.

“I’m really excited about the second edition of our restaurant guidebook,” said Kauai food writer Marta Lane, who wrote the 150-page book, lavishly illustrated with photographs by her husband, professional photographer Daniel Lane. “There is so much great food on Kauai, which is made by hand with local ingredients, and I’m thrilled to be able to share my favorites.”

A series of cocktail parties will be held around the island to celebrate the book’s launch, between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Celebrating during the holiday season makes perfect sense, “because the books make excellent gifts,” Lane said.

The expanded and updated book is meatier than the last, and includes a number of tasty new additions, sure to please the palate of fine diners, sustainable food enthusiasts or those simply looking for a great lunch. There are 30 new listings, for a total of 93, an introduction to the Hawaiian language, a new category for eateries in the Central zone, and a glossary of Hawaii food. Continue Reading →

Pau Hana Friday for October 18

Superfood Elixers at The Garden Cafe. Daniel Lane photo

Superfood Elixers at The Garden Cafe. Daniel Lane photo


Bill 2491

Tasting Kauai, many island residents, as well as people from around the world, were happy to learn that the Kauai County Council passed Bill 2491 at 3:30 a.m. on Wednesday, October 16. Yesterday, the revised bill was sent to the Mayor’s office. He will veto, sign or return it unsigned. The Mayor wanted a one month deferral, so if he vetoes it, the council will have to vote again and get a 2/3 majority to win.  Continue Reading →

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