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Pau Hana Friday for August 9

Pele’s Passion at RumFire. Daniel Lane photo.

Pele’s Passion at RumFire. Daniel Lane photo.


Tasting Kauai

I’m happy to announce that our paperback Tasting Kauai: Restaurants, From Food Trucks to Fine Dining, A Guide to Eating Well on the Garden Island, is available on Amazon. They set the price, which was at $17.18 when it went up last week, but today I see it’s at $13.06. The digital version is still available at the introductory price of $3.99, but it will raise to $7.99 within the next day or so. Either way, the books pop with hubby’s gorgeous color photographs and whimsical graphics.

This morning on Hawaii Public Radio, Chris Vandercook, co-host of The Conversation, and I spoke about why locally-sourced food tastes so good. If you want to know why, listen to “A culinary romp through paradise with Marta Lane” on HPR2’s website. Continue Reading →

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