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Pau Hana Friday For July 18

Shoppers at Living  Foods Gourmet Market can buy local produce as well as house-made sauces, hot meals or fresh fish and meat. Daniel Lane Photo

Shoppers at Living Foods Gourmet Market can buy local produce as well as house-made sauces, hot meals or fresh fish and meat. Daniel Lane Photo

Tasting Kauai

Today, learn about the new owners of Living Foods Gourmet Market and what they have planned for their Poipu grocery store and cafe in “A food lover’s paradise” in The Garden Island.

In this week’s On the Farm column, if you’ve ever had noni, you’ll likely never forget the taste. You may want to make the pungent fruit a regular part of your diet. In this Sunday’s article, you’ll learn about the benefits of noni, including that it’s 75 percent as effective at killing pain as morphine, and not at all addictive.

Here’s a little insight from organic noni farmer Steve Frailey into why it’s better to drink unfermented noni juice and how to make your own.

In last week’s On the Farm column, “Bee Happy,” we explored beekeeping courses at Kauai Community College, discovered why bees swarm and learned what to do if you get stung.

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Garden Cafe at Common Ground


Chard Ahi Wrap with cilantro lime vinaigrette, papaya salsa and cucumber namasu.

Chard Ahi Wrap with cilantro lime vinaigrette, papaya salsa and cucumber namasu. Daniel Lane photo



The Garden Cafe at Common Ground in Kilauea, is one of my favorite places to eat breakfast or lunch. It’s the only farm to table restaurant on Kauai that literally cooks from farm to table. Right there, just 40 paces from the outside dining area, is a 1600 square-foot garden. The healthy menu is loaded with local and organic fruit, vegetables, grains, as well as island beef, pork and fish. Continue Reading →

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