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Ahi Poke Burger with Wasabi Guacamole

Ahi Poke Burger with Wasabi Guacamole on Passion Bakery taro buns. Daniel Lane photo

When I reviewed the cookbook, A Splash of Aloha: A Healthy Guide to Hawaiian Seafood, I had to make a recipe using ahi. It’s the most popular fish here! I sent Dan to Passion Bakery for their soft, fat taro buns and got to work. The result is a delicious burger that’s tender and juicy. I didn’t have sesame seeds on hand so I used panko which makes an OK substitute.  There is a whisper of heat in the Wasabi Guacamole, so add more if you like it hot! Serves 4. 

The best Hawaiian Ahi, or tuna, is yellowfin or big-eye. Yellowfin’s flesh is a deep red color naturally, (a section in the cookbook goes over the practice of treating ahi with carbon monoxide to preserve and enhance the color in fish that is to be frozen), and turns light grey when it cooks. Big-eye tuna has more fat than yellowfin, and the best quality is found in Hawaii, especially during the winer season.  Continue Reading →

Hukilau Lanai’s Homemade Mayonnaise

My farm fresh eggs after their bath. Daniel Lane photo

My farm fresh eggs after their bath. Daniel Lane photo


Several weeks ago, I bought a dozen farm fresh eggs at the farmers market. I didn’t open them up at the stand because I’ve grown accustomed to trusting local farmers. I just paid for them and put them in my bag. They were going into a Spanish omelet for dinner, along with some young onions. When I got home, I opened the recycled, grocery store carton, and was alarmed to see bits of dirt, and what I imagined to be poop, clinging to the eggs.

My first thought was, “UGH! There’s got to be salmonella on these shells! When I crack these eggs open, it’s going to get inside!” I carefully laid them in a sink full of water, and scrubbed them clean. Then I scrubbed my hands and the sink. I was horrified, and immediately called one of my favorite farmers. Continue Reading →

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