Tag Archives | kauai beer company
Oktoberfest at the Kauai Beer Company
Kauai Beer Company 8/29 Finally Friday Menu
Every week, the Kauai Beer Company serves their hand crafted beer with food. I usually see chef Joe Fox every Wednesday at the Kapaa farmers market selecting produce for the meal that is only offered during “Finally Friday.” The menu for Friday, August 29 is: Continue Reading →
Pau Hana for Friday, August 15
Tasting Kauai
In “Original Santa Maria Style BBQ on Kauai,” in The Garden Island, catch up with the owners of Recessions Original Santa Maria Style BBQ, featuring a name that “is a nod toward the economic downturn and the family keeps prices low so people can enjoy filling meals” and refers to a style of BBQ Forbes magazine says is the “fifth style of American BBQ.”
Last week, in her On the Farm column, “Money for Moloaa,” Marta met with Moloaa farmers as they meet up with local politicians to generate funding for new irrigation systems.
This week, It’s lilikoi season! In this Sunday’s edition, learn about the purple passion fruit grown at Yoshii Farm and how to make Jean Marie Josselin’s Lilikoi Mint Chiffon Pie.
For more ideas on cooking with lilikoi, check out Marta’s article “An Abundance of Lilikoi at Kauai Glory Farms.”
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We’ve had folks inquire about where to find us online. We’re on Twitter at @TastingKauai and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/TastingKauai. Be sure to check Tasting Kauai’s Pinterest page!
Pau Hana Friday for August 8
Tasting Kauai
The Feral Pig celebrates their three year anniversary with a special farm-to-table dinner after their Hawaiian-style pub food gets a fine dining touch in “Freshening up the The Feral Pig,” in The Garden Island.
In the On the Farm column last week, we visited Lawai Valley Mushrooms and learned about kuditdit mushrooms.
In this week’s On the Farm, Marta meets with Moloaa farmers as they meet up with local politicians to generate funding for new irrigation systems.
Friend Us Online
We’ve had folks inquire about where to find us online. We’re on Twitter at @TastingKauai and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/TastingKauai. Be sure to check Tasting Kauai’s Pinterest page!