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Pau Hana Friday for December 6


Lotus Fudge Holiday Truffle Gift Pack. Katie Ranke photo

Lotus Fudge holiday Truffle Gift Pack. Katie Ranke photo

Lotus Fudge

Katie Ranke, owner and fudge maker at Lotus Fudge, says she made an amazing local PB&J. “I used whole wheat bread, from any of the awesome bakeries here, with our Original Mac Butter and Mango Chipotle Jam from Monkeypod Jam. It’s so good!” Katie’s heard that fish dipped in original or toasted mac butter and fried is really good. “I think they call it Mac-Butter crusted,” she says. Continue Reading →

Pau Hana Friday for November 29


Roasted "Hawaiian Mutt" pumpkin. Seeds drying for the garden. Marta Lane photo

Roasted “Hawaiian Mutt” pumpkin. Seeds drying for the garden. Marta Lane photo


Tasting Kauai

We hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving! Not much happened at the Lane household. While I slept, Dan got up at 4:30 a.m. to take pictures of the sunrise and then took shots of  the Kapaa Turkey Trot for Kauai Midweek‘s Paina Page. Over a bowl of oatmeal, we reminisced about the day we met (18 years ago today) and how much each of us has changed for the better, thanks to the other. Since we’ve been sick we spent the rest of the day on the couch with the dogs, wrapped in blankets, watching movies and holding hands. For “the big meal” I made pumpkin soup, with a pumpkin I got at Durga Farm last Wednesday, as well as salt and pepper biscuits. The soup recipe will be in next week’s Kauai Midweek but I’ll post the biscuit recipe, which I got from the November issue of bon appetit magazine. The pumpkin is enough for three or four meals, so I’ll post additional pictures and recipes on the Tasting Kauai Facebook page. Since it’s a gorgeous, flavorful and moist pumpkin that’s adapted to Kauai’s climate and pests, I saved the seeds to plant in my garden! Tonight we are having pumpkin and kale galette, which is a simple, rustic and wholesome free form tart. Maybe tomorrow we’ll have Thai pumpkin soup. Continue Reading →

Kalo Festival

Waipa Kalo Festival

December, 1

Waipa, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., $3 adults, $1 children

Halulu Fishpond, the site of the 2012 Kalo Festival. Daniel Lane photo

Halulu Fishpond, the site of the 2012 Kalo Festival. Daniel Lane photo

Join the Waipa Foundation this Saturday for a community hoolaulea (celebration) at Waipa’s beautiful Halulu Fishpond, alongside Hanalei Bay. It’s a fun and informative day celebrating kalo (taro) with activities for the whole family including local music, educational displays, demonstrations, hands-on children activities, unique Kauai artisans, and, of course, amazing food showcasing kalo.







Winning plants at 2011 Kalo Festival in Waipa

Winning plants at 2011 Kalo Festival in Waipa. Photos by Daniel Lane

There will be community contests for best kalo recipe, biggest kalo and keiki art. I will be accepting entries for the recipe contest and picking two judges from the audience, so stop by if you want to sample an amazing variety of taro dishes. Dan will be there taking pictures for an upcoming MidWeek Kauai story, so you may end up in the paper! For more information about the Waipa Foundation, check out our article in MidWeek Kauai or call 808-826-9969.

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