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Is The Food You Buy Really Grown On Kauai?

A handful of Kauai Shrimp

A handful of Kauai Shrimp. Daniel Lane photo

Food is as important to a destination, as its beauty, climate, history and attractions. It offers a sense of place, and an intimate connection to local culture. But how do you know if the food you eat is truly from that place? As a visitor to Kauai, you may look forward to eating a mango that was freshly plucked from the tree. At least you think it was.

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Growing, Buying and Cooking Bell Peppers on Kauai

Typically, tomatoes, summer squash, melons and bell peppers are hard to grow on Kauai. The fruit fly “stings” them, borrows inside, and lays eggs. The only evidence is a small, inward dent. Other than that, the fruit looks perfectly edible. But when you cut into it, it’s either teeming with eggs, or rotten. Continue Reading →

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