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Pau Hana Friday for October 18

Superfood Elixers at The Garden Cafe. Daniel Lane photo

Superfood Elixers at The Garden Cafe. Daniel Lane photo


Bill 2491

Tasting Kauai, many island residents, as well as people from around the world, were happy to learn that the Kauai County Council passed Bill 2491 at 3:30 a.m. on Wednesday, October 16. Yesterday, the revised bill was sent to the Mayor’s office. He will veto, sign or return it unsigned. The Mayor wanted a one month deferral, so if he vetoes it, the council will have to vote again and get a 2/3 majority to win.  Continue Reading →

Collecting Produce for the Garden Island Range & Food Festival

GIRFFThe Garden Island Range & Food Festival (GIRFF) is this Sunday at Kilohana Plantation. It’s the ultimate locavore paina (party) in which the restaurants, ranchers and farmers of Kauai donate their time and product for a family friendly community event.

According to Wikipedia, “A locavore is a person interested in eating food that is locally produced, not moved long distances to market. One often cited, but not universal, definition of “local” food is food grown within 100 miles of its point of purchase or consumption.”

The food at GIRFF is hyper-local because nothing comes from more than 34 miles away. This year, we have had the pleasure to be on the committee, me as farm chairperson, and Dan as treasurer. We have been donating our time and talents since January to the non profit event that benefits students in the Culinary Arts Program at the Kauai Community College. Continue Reading →

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