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No More Romp and Taste

Kai explains the nuances of Kauai-grown pineapple. Daniel Lane photo

Kai explains the nuances of Kauai-grown pineapple. Daniel Lane photo

Over the past two years our food tours have enabled us to meet some amazing people from all over the world. We have watched our guests’ eyes light up as they taste just-picked pineapples, noting that they tasted nothing like the store-bought kind — which are picked before they’re ripe so they can be shipped long distances. On our tours, we have had guests of all ages and it was delightful to watch children stuff their mouths with bright red mountain apples as seniors were invigorated by the fresh tropical air and lush landscaping. Our guide Kai led them through the orchard and each person connected deeply with him, each other, the moment and the food. Continue Reading →

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