Tasting Kauai
I’m blessed in many ways. I get to live on Kauai, and as a food writer, I get to work with my husband who is a photographer. In the 16 years that we’ve been together, he’s never faltered in his love, encouragement and solid advise. My mother was born and raised in Barcelona, Spain, and her family taught me how to celebrate life, friends and family with good food and laughter at the center of the table.
The Spanish, and many other cultures, are passionate about food. I remember shopping sprees with my aunt Anita. She knew exactly which markets had the best fish, meat and vegetables for her paella. Her table was abundant with family, friends, fresh seafood, baguettes, cheese, meat, produce and wine. As we broke bread together, good natured arguments broke out regarding where the best cherries are grown, the best wine region (we prefer Rioja), and the best places for mushroom hunting. They’d even talk about their next meal, while eating the current meal! Continue Reading →