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Remediating Kauai’s Soils for a Healthy Future

Tuesday, April 22 at Kauai Community College Electronics Room 114, free

Panel Discussion: 4-6pm
Film and Discussion: 6:30-8:30pm

In celebration of Earth Day 2014, Regenerations Botanical Garden, KKCR, and Kauai Community College present a panel discussion and film focused on remediating contaminated and depleted soils on Kauai. Soil is the foundation of life on Earth and essential to food production on the backyard to commercial scale. Kauai soils have been negatively impacted by decades of management practices that have left the ground polluted and stripped of essential minerals and biological diversity. More than ever, Kauaians are seeking ways to transition to sustainable land management focused on healthy local food production. The panel will identify the challenges and opportunities in restoring the vitality and fertility to our soil so that we can reach our food security and environmental and community health goals. The panel discussion will be broadcast live on KKCR Kauai Community Radio, and will be followed by a screening of the film “Neal Kinsey’s Hands-on Agronomy”, a soil fertility management system already in practice on Kauai.

Topics include:

  • Soil remediation
  • The state of Kauai’s soils on residential, agricultural, and commercial land, and how they got that way
  • Leading toxins that contaminate Kauai soils and groundwater
  • Can we afford to stop poisoning our soil; can we afford not to
  • Best opportunities moving forward, transitional strategies to “wean off” of toxic products and poor soil fertility practices
  • Bioremediation, ecological agriculture focus
  • Green small business opportunities for soil remediators.

Panel Members

  • Dave Gerow, Kauai Environmental
  • Sun Hadley, One Song Farm
  • Ray Maki, Permaculture Kauai/Regenerations Botanical Garden/Hawaii Farmers Union United, Kauai Chapter
  • Paul Massey, Regenerations Botanical Garden/Kauai Community Seed Bank
  • Dr. Hector Valenzuela, University of Hawaii College of Tropical Agriculture

Moderated by Felicia Cowden. The panel discussion will be broadcast LIVE on Feliciaʻs “Kauai Soapbox” radio program on KKCR – Kauai Community Radio 91.9FM island wide/90.9FM Hanalei/92.7FM Moloaa/104.7 FM Haleiwa, Oahu/95.1 cable/Streaming at

Film: “Neal Kinsey’s Hands-on Agronomy
This fascinating documentary details Neal Kinsey’s most important lessons. He teaches a sophisticated, easy-to-live-with system of fertility management that focuses on balance, not merely quantity of fertility elements. It works in a variety of soils and crops, both conventional and organic. In sharp contrast to the current methods only using N-P-K and pH and viewing soil only as a physical support media for plants, the basis of all his teachings are to feed the soil, and let the soil feed the plant. The Albrecht system of soils is covered, along with how to properly test your soil and interpret the results. The video teach you the major principles of Kinsey’s system that will take the viewer a long way down the road to improving the productivity of their soil. A discussion will follow the film.

For more information, call 652-4118.

Pau Hana Friday for November 29


Roasted "Hawaiian Mutt" pumpkin. Seeds drying for the garden. Marta Lane photo

Roasted “Hawaiian Mutt” pumpkin. Seeds drying for the garden. Marta Lane photo


Tasting Kauai

We hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving! Not much happened at the Lane household. While I slept, Dan got up at 4:30 a.m. to take pictures of the sunrise and then took shots of  the Kapaa Turkey Trot for Kauai Midweek‘s Paina Page. Over a bowl of oatmeal, we reminisced about the day we met (18 years ago today) and how much each of us has changed for the better, thanks to the other. Since we’ve been sick we spent the rest of the day on the couch with the dogs, wrapped in blankets, watching movies and holding hands. For “the big meal” I made pumpkin soup, with a pumpkin I got at Durga Farm last Wednesday, as well as salt and pepper biscuits. The soup recipe will be in next week’s Kauai Midweek but I’ll post the biscuit recipe, which I got from the November issue of bon appetit magazine. The pumpkin is enough for three or four meals, so I’ll post additional pictures and recipes on the Tasting Kauai Facebook page. Since it’s a gorgeous, flavorful and moist pumpkin that’s adapted to Kauai’s climate and pests, I saved the seeds to plant in my garden! Tonight we are having pumpkin and kale galette, which is a simple, rustic and wholesome free form tart. Maybe tomorrow we’ll have Thai pumpkin soup. Continue Reading →

The Facts Behind the Project for Kauai Community Empowerment

Growing aquaponic lettuce at the Kauai Community College. Daniel Lane photo

Growing aquaponic lettuce at the Kauai Community College. Daniel Lane photo

The Community Empowerment Project will employ methods of community engagement and empowerment that have proven successful in cities across the US and Europe. These methods will engage community organizations and members in taking responsibility for planning and implementing systems of food production and distribution that will satisfy their basic needs. These systems focus on increasing the number of home and community gardens and small local farms, and employ techniques of organic farming, aquaponics production of fish and vegetables, and other advanced crop production techniques. The food is harvested and distributed to various consumer groups in that community and the resulting income provides for the continued growth and successful expansion of the project. Continue Reading →

One Song Farm Presents Novice & Master Gardening Workshop

Lisa and Sun at their farm Kumu Aina which means "land as teacher". Daniel Lane photo

Lisa and Sun at their farm Kumu Aina which means “land as teacher”. Daniel Lane photo

Sunday, May 19

The Garden as Teacher workshop

9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Kilauea, $36, cash only

Lisa and Sun’s 30 years of combined knowledge of growing organically in the Hawaiian islands will help unlock the mysteries of Kauai soils and offer an opportunity for others to become better food growers.

Geared for novice and experienced gardeners, Lisa Fuller debuts instructing those new to bio-intensive gardening, while Sun simultaneously offers a master class to the professional farmer and gardener. Continue Reading →

Pau Hana Friday

Coconut Painkiller with Koloa Rum at Merriman's Kauai. Daniel Lane photo

Coconut Painkiller with Koloa Rum at Merriman's Kauai. Daniel Lane photoNEWS:

Good news for us here at Tasting Kauai! Foodista has selected us as their Food Blog of the Day. Look for our Kalua pork post on Sunday, April 15. Foodista has been featured in Time magazine, The New York Times, and the Huffington Post. The website receives over 1 million page views a month, and has over 200,000 Twitter followers, 30,000 Facebook fans, and 20,000 newsletter subscribers.

Tasting Kauai Culinary Tours
We are gearing up to offer custom culinary tours. Designed by foodies for foodies, visitors may choose from a menu of guided, day-long tours that include farms (flower, produce, ranch), farmers markets, food and beverage makers, and stores that sell local products. In between stops, we will have lunch or dinner at a featured restaurant.

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