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Rambutan Season on Kauai is Wrapping Up

Wintertime in Kauai is playful, lush and wet. Thousands of humpback whales migrate to the coast. They are seen from the shoreline, sending plumes of water into the air, breaching, or slapping their fins on the water. From the majestic Na Pali coast, to the vegetation along the highway, everything is a vivid green. It’s as if you’re in a movie, and the colors are turned way up.


And it rains.

A lot. Continue Reading →

Growing, Buying and Cooking Bell Peppers on Kauai

Typically, tomatoes, summer squash, melons and bell peppers are hard to grow on Kauai. The fruit fly “stings” them, borrows inside, and lays eggs. The only evidence is a small, inward dent. Other than that, the fruit looks perfectly edible. But when you cut into it, it’s either teeming with eggs, or rotten. Continue Reading →

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