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Pau Hana Friday for March 28

When ripe, star apples are mildly sweet and creamy, almost like a custard. Marta Lane photo

When ripe, star apples are mildly sweet and creamy, almost like a custard. Marta Lane photo


Tasting Kauai

Happy Aloha Friday! We had an exceptional week and hope you did too. Last Sunday, our article “How to grapple with star apple” ran in The Garden Island newspaper.  I had star apple a couple of years ago, but didn’t like the latex coating it left in my mouth. Come to find out, I ate a raw one. That’s one of the perks of my job:  learning about exotic produce from the people who grow them. Now I know how to grapple with a star apple! Continue Reading →

Pau Hana Friday for March 13

Organic steamed taro root topped with steamed taro leaves and drizzled with coconut sauce. Daniel Lane photo

Organic steamed taro root topped with steamed taro leaves and drizzled with coconut sauce. Daniel Lane photo


Tasting Kauai

Happy Aloha Friday! We hope you had an exceptional week. Last Sunday, our article “Safely preserving the harvest” ran in The Garden Island newspaper. If you are a Tasting Kauai Facebook fan, you saw all of my pictures from the Hawaii Master Food Preservers class. I had a lot of fun learning how to safely preserve food and writing about it. Last Wednesday, our article “Hanalei’s Edible Opportunist” ran in The Garden Island newspaper. If you haven’t experienced one of Justin Smith’s dinners, you should. It’s great for residents who want a fun date as well as visitors who want a unique experience. Continue Reading →

Pau Hana Friday for January 10


Kauai Kombucha by Kauai Juice Co. Daniel Lane photo

Kauai Kombucha by Kauai Juice Co. Daniel Lane photo


Kauai Juice Co.

Kauai Juice Co. opened their store on Jan. 7. You may be aware of their Kauai Kombucha or Kale Chips, but now you can get single servings of cold-pressed juice, or juice packs for a cleanse. You can also buy glass straws or a kombucha starter kit. If you’re not familiar with juice cleanses, they cover that extensively on the Kauai Juice Co. website. There’s also a lengthy explanation on what kombucha tea is. Visit them at their kitchen shop, in the Dragon Building in Kapaa to get any of their delicious and potent, cold pressed juices, medicinal shots, cold brewed coffee, nut milks, and all flavors of Kombucha. Open Tuesday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Continue Reading →

Last Pau Hana Friday for 2013


Holiday flower arrangement by Tropical Flowers Express. Marta lane photo

Holiday flower arrangement by Tropical Flowers Express. Marta lane photo


Tasting Kauai

My husband Dan and I wish you a warm, abundant, healthy and joyful holiday season! We have our last food tour today and then we’re taking time off to celebrate the close of 2013 and prepare for 2014. Since it’s just the two of us at Tasting Kauai, this will be our last blog post for 2013. My goal is to unplug from the computer the entire time. Other than submitting articles to Kauai Midweek (which are ready to go) there will be no blog posts, Facebook posts or any other social media. Continue Reading →

Pau Hana Friday for November 29


Roasted "Hawaiian Mutt" pumpkin. Seeds drying for the garden. Marta Lane photo

Roasted “Hawaiian Mutt” pumpkin. Seeds drying for the garden. Marta Lane photo


Tasting Kauai

We hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving! Not much happened at the Lane household. While I slept, Dan got up at 4:30 a.m. to take pictures of the sunrise and then took shots of  the Kapaa Turkey Trot for Kauai Midweek‘s Paina Page. Over a bowl of oatmeal, we reminisced about the day we met (18 years ago today) and how much each of us has changed for the better, thanks to the other. Since we’ve been sick we spent the rest of the day on the couch with the dogs, wrapped in blankets, watching movies and holding hands. For “the big meal” I made pumpkin soup, with a pumpkin I got at Durga Farm last Wednesday, as well as salt and pepper biscuits. The soup recipe will be in next week’s Kauai Midweek but I’ll post the biscuit recipe, which I got from the November issue of bon appetit magazine. The pumpkin is enough for three or four meals, so I’ll post additional pictures and recipes on the Tasting Kauai Facebook page. Since it’s a gorgeous, flavorful and moist pumpkin that’s adapted to Kauai’s climate and pests, I saved the seeds to plant in my garden! Tonight we are having pumpkin and kale galette, which is a simple, rustic and wholesome free form tart. Maybe tomorrow we’ll have Thai pumpkin soup. Continue Reading →

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