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Hukilau Lanai’s Homemade Mayonnaise

My farm fresh eggs after their bath. Daniel Lane photo

My farm fresh eggs after their bath. Daniel Lane photo


Several weeks ago, I bought a dozen farm fresh eggs at the farmers market. I didn’t open them up at the stand because I’ve grown accustomed to trusting local farmers. I just paid for them and put them in my bag. They were going into a Spanish omelet for dinner, along with some young onions. When I got home, I opened the recycled, grocery store carton, and was alarmed to see bits of dirt, and what I imagined to be poop, clinging to the eggs.

My first thought was, “UGH! There’s got to be salmonella on these shells! When I crack these eggs open, it’s going to get inside!” I carefully laid them in a sink full of water, and scrubbed them clean. Then I scrubbed my hands and the sink. I was horrified, and immediately called one of my favorite farmers. Continue Reading →

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