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Pau Hana Friday for April 18

Kilauea Bakery’s stromboli specials ($13.95) include a blend of house made meats, Manchego cheese, and marinated vegetables. Daniel Lane photo

Kilauea Bakery’s stromboli specials ($13.95) include a blend of house made meats, Manchego cheese, and marinated vegetables. Daniel Lane photo

Tasting Kauai

Happy Aloha Friday! We had an exceptional week and hope you did too. We got back from Colorado late in the afternoon on Monday and hit the ground running Tuesday morning. We interviewed a cacao farmer at 10 a.m. and you can look for their story in our On The Farm column in this Sunday’s paper. Our Tastes of Kauai column, which runs in today’s TGIFriday edition, will share a unique look into a longtime favorite, Kilauea Bakery & Pau Hana Pizza. Continue Reading →

Pau Hana Friday for April 4

Hanalei Farmers Market flowers. Photo by Christopher Lyden.

Hanalei Farmers Market flowers. Photo by Christopher Lyden.


Tasting Kauai

Happy Aloha Friday! We had an exceptional week and hope you did too. Last Sunday, our article “Crunch time with carrots” ran in The Garden Island newspaper.  I hope you get a chance to try the recipe and if you can use Kauai Juice Company’s kiawe-aged balsamic vinegar, all the better.

We didn’t have a story in the Wednesday edition. TGI is going from two food writers to one and there was a miscommunication. Our last story will be in this Wednesday’s edition before our “Tastes of Kauai” column gets moved to Fridays TGIFriday pullout. We’ve cooked up some tasty stories and we appreciate you sticking with us! Continue Reading →

Pau Hana Friday for April 19

Haku are head lei that can also be worn around the brim of a hat or on the wrist or ankle. Daniel Lane photo

Haku are head lei that can also be worn around the brim of a hat or on the wrist or ankle. Daniel Lane photo


“I have a little seed of Aloha to share,” says Elvrine Chow, owner of Heavenly Hakus.” After we closed down at the Garden Fair because of the rain and wind I had so much flowers left!! Plus Jamie had read your article about me and had wanted to have a haku making lesson although her auntie had come by earlier to say she probably wasn’t coming due to the storm.

“Well, Jamie showed up just as we were leaving. I had a thought! Let’s call the Kauai Museum. Maybe we can use their courtyard for the one on one class.

“Director Jane Gray, Noreen, and staff set up tables and chairs inside the main gallery and extra chairs for visitors to watch and/or join us there. Larry Rivera’s daughter played slack key and Uncle Charlie was sewing his fishing nets, too. Continue Reading →

Pau Hana Friday

Hukilau Lanai bartender John Scott with a Garden in a Glass. Daniel Lane photo

Hukilau Lanai bartender John Scott with a Garden in a Glass. Daniel Lane photo

Happy Aloha Friday and Earth Day to our Kauai Tasters!


Kokua Festival 2012, Kauai

Last night’s benefit concert for the Kokua Foundation was an amazing experience. The Kokua Hawaii Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that supports environmental education in the schools and communities of Hawaii, and Tasting Kauai was happy to donate time to this inspiring cause.

After we packed everything up, I got a chance to see the last part of the show. Paula Fuga  has a beautiful voice, and I really like John Cruz. When the two of them sing with Jack Johnson, it’s like Hawaiian angels caressing our ears. Continue Reading →

Pau Hana Friday

Plantation Gardens' Moir Margarita (front) and Cucumber Mojito. Daniel Lane photos

Plantation Gardens' Moir Margarita (front) and Cucumber Mojito. Daniel Lane photos

April 13 – April 20

Happy Aloha Friday Kauai Tasters!


Mahalo Dan Lane
Thanks to Dan, I’m quite enamored with the new look of the site. I hope you enjoy the inviting look that the banners and logo offer. It makes my mouth water just looking up at his shot of the Plantation Gardens’ lilikoi cheesecake!

I’ve got a lot of Tasting Kauai news to reveal, and a reminder. This Sunday we’ll be featured as the blog of the day on Foodista. “Your blog post for making Kalua pork is absolutely amazing,” Alisa Escanlar wrote in an email, “and it will be featured on the Foodista homepage for 24 hours.” We’re all about spreading the seeds of aloha, and we hope this inspires folks to visit our site, and by extension, our local businesses. Continue Reading →

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