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Pau Hana Friday for March 1

Raine Servantes looks after tomatoes in the greenhouse at Wilcox Elementary School in Lihue. Daniel Lane photo

Raine Servantes looks after tomatoes in the greenhouse at Wilcox Elementary School in Lihue. Daniel Lane photo


School Gardens in Hawaii

A 2012 study conducted by the Hawaii Farm to School and School Garden Hui found that there are 168 school gardens across the state with 21,577 participating students, 830 teachers, 1,500 volunteers, on 30 acres of land! Fourteen schools on Kauai participated. That’s great news because this past week, I’ve been checking out the Hawaii DOE cafeteria food photos Facebook page, and the food our kids are being served I wouldn’t give to my dogs!

Hawaii school garden students grew and harvested healthy snacks; created farmers markets; integrated science; math; social studies; literature and arts; and learned social skills and teamwork. Research indicates that children who participate in school gardens and farm to school programs develop healthier lifestyles and life-long eating habits, improve academic performance, provide real-life learning about sustainability and ecoliteracy  while creating stronger community connections.

I don’t think we need studies to prove this. I think we all know that gardening is excellent exercise for body, mind and spirit and good, wholesome foods come from it. Our school gardens need support. If you’d like to help, or want more

information, visit the Kokua Foundation Hawaii website.

March 15 is the final day to sign up for the USDA Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Snack Program for the School Year 2013-2014, so tell your principals about it. All schools received an email a few weeks ago from the DOE Office of Child Nutrition and they have the application, but they have not had filled it out and sent it in. Continue Reading →

Pau Hana Friday for Feb. 1

Happy Pau Hana Friday! Here's the Island Orchid at Hukilau Lanai. Daniel Lane photo

Happy Pau Hana Friday! Here’s the Island Orchid at Hukilau Lanai. Daniel Lane photo


Kauai Made Fertilizer for Kauai Soil

This Kauai-made fertilizer is sifted to remove bone particles, and laboratory tests show it’s completely free of E.coli. Cold processed fish maintains the integrity of amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, growth hormones, oils and proteins, and rebuilds soil while feeding plants. More nutrients are available and stay in the soil longer than chemical or heated fish emulsions, and can be applied at lower rates for equal or superior results.

Encouraging excellent plant growth, the fertilizer rebuilds the soil and diverts fish waste from our landfill. Additionally, it stimulates microorganisms in the soil which allow plants to absorb nutrients. This is critical with Kauai’s deficient soils. By promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria, it will reduce compaction and increase drainage.

The addition of 10-percent molasses adds additional nutrients and neutralizes unpleasant odors. It’s designed to be simply applied by hose; a drip irrigation using a Grow More siphon mixer; or diluted and applied by hand. One gallon properly diluted yields 17-gallons of fertilizer. Continue Reading →

Kauai Culinary Tour – February

Kauai Fresh Farms salad with local pork belly and chef's garden vinaigrette. Daniel Lane photo. cooking demonstration, gourmet four course lunch, kauai grown, kauai made

Kauai Fresh Farms salad with local pork belly and chef’s garden vinaigrette. Daniel Lane photo


Our next Kauai Culinary Tour is Friday, Feb. 8. Led by local experts, our tour offers an intimate glimpse into the Kauai culinary scene. We start with a farm tour and learn about exotic fruit grown on Kauai. At the Kauai Marriott Resort, we join executive chef Guy Higa for an outdoor cooking demonstration and gourmet, four-course lunch. Our final stop is at Nani Moon Mead where we’ll sip and sample our way through the arsenal honey wine collection. Here’s a peek into our fun, food filled day! Continue Reading →

Pau Hana Friday for Jan. 4


Koloa Rumtini at Kilohana Plantation. Daniel Lane photo

Koloa Rumtini at Kilohana Plantation. Daniel Lane photo

Tasting Kauai hopes you had a tasty holiday season and a joyful New Year! We have some fun foodie events to share for January, including our redesigned East Side culinary tour. We are happy to announce that we have been awarded a grant from the Hawaii Tourism Authority and we will use the funds to make our unique culinary tours even better!

A North Shore tour is still being designed, but here’s what we have locked down so far. We will begin with an authentic look at Hawaiian culture and  tour Waipa, an ahupuaa that uses ancient agriculture systems such as a restored fishpond and loi (taro patches). The farm cultivates two market gardens and our tour ends with an introduction to Hawaii’s Staff of Life: taro. With a million dollar view of Hanalei Bay, we will have an exclusive lunch at Makana Terrace, inside the luxurious St Regis Resort. Hawaii-born Leanne Kamekona, executive chef for the Princeville Resort, will be there to meet our guests and share her abundant aloha. We are still working on the details, including the last leg of our tour, so stay tuned foodies! Continue Reading →

Thanksgiving Turkey with Salty Wahine


Enough for two, this Thanksgiving chicken was flavorful and juicy after a Salty Wahine bath. Daniel Lane photo

Enough for two, this Thanksgiving chicken was flavorful and juicy after a Salty Wahine bath. Daniel Lane photo

Salty Wahine Gourmet Hawaiian Sea Salts offers 11 varieties of handcrafted, gourmet Hawaiian sea salt blends, seasonings and rubs. They have just released their seasonal, Hawaiian Turkey Brine Seasoning for the holidays, and you can smell the goodness right through the packaging.

Incase you don’t know, brining any meat—chicken, pork, or turkey, yields exceptionally juicy and flavorful meat. You are basically giving your meat a long soak in a salty-sweet bath. Sometimes herbs and other flavorings are added, as with Salty Wahine’s. It’s a foolproof way to serve a golden, flavorful turkey, and it’s simple to do. It does require some planning though.

Make sure you have a container large enough to hold your turkey. A 5-gallon bucket works well, as does a cooler. You are going to have to keep the turkey cold while it brines. Most people I know can’t fit a 5-gallon bucket in their refrigerator. If you live in a area with snowy winters, you can store it overnight in the garage. Continue Reading →

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