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The Hawaii Book of Rice Cookbook Review, Part 1

Cheryl Chee Tsutsumi

Cheryl Chee Tsutsumi signing books at the Culinary Market. Daniel Lane photo

I first met Cheryl Chee Tsutsumi when she was autographing copies of her new cookbook, “The Hawaiian Book of Rice”. I was strolling through Poipu’s Culinary Market at Kukuiula Shopping Village, my favorite farmers market, when I noticed a crowd.

I love cookbooks, and they seem to fill my shelves without me noticing. Since I grew up in Colorado, I’m especially interested in cookbooks written by residents of Hawaii. As I waited in line, I noticed that proceeds were being donated to the Hawaii Food Bank (bonus), and she was giving out rice paddles to everyone who bought a copy (bonus-bonus!) Continue Reading →

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