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Pau Hana Friday for July 6


Kauai Culinary Tour

Dave Power of The Feral Pig will be mixing drinks for our culinary tour. Daniel Lane photo

Dave Power of The Feral Pig will be mixing drinks for our culinary tour. Daniel Lane photo

When we had to cancel our culinary tour last month, I was pretty depressed. We had an excellent foodie-fun-filled-day planned. But, thanks to my supportive husband, and the fantastic food growers and makers involved with the tour, we rescheduled it for July 13.

This time it’s on! We have met our minimum, and will be romping through Paradise on a culinary adventure come rain or shine. I’m so grateful that we gave it another try, because it’s a fantastic line up and it’s going to be a blast! We still have some spaces left, so visit our culinary tour page and reserve your spot. Executive chef Guy Higa is making allowances for those on alternative diets such as vegetarian, vegan or gluten-free. Continue Reading →

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