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Kauai’s Doctors Say Future Generations at Stake

Kauai's Mana March. Joel Guy photo

Kauai’s Mana March. Joel Guy photo

Doctors and Nurses Implore Mayor: “Sign Bill 2491 Into Law Now”

Citing notable rates of birth defects and disease, doctors and nurses in west Kauai are imploring Mayor Bernard Carvalho, Jr. to sign Bill 2491 into law, indicating elevated rates of diseases and birth defects in their west side clinical practices.

This effort from the Kauai medical community comes as the Mayor has recently indicated a possibility of his vetoing the bill, which was approved by the Kauai County Council by a vote of 6-1, received overwhelming support from local residents and media attention. Within hours of first hearing of a possible veto, over 20 Kauai medical professionals wrote letters to the Mayor urging passage. Continue Reading →

Pau Hana Friday for October 18

Superfood Elixers at The Garden Cafe. Daniel Lane photo

Superfood Elixers at The Garden Cafe. Daniel Lane photo


Bill 2491

Tasting Kauai, many island residents, as well as people from around the world, were happy to learn that the Kauai County Council passed Bill 2491 at 3:30 a.m. on Wednesday, October 16. Yesterday, the revised bill was sent to the Mayor’s office. He will veto, sign or return it unsigned. The Mayor wanted a one month deferral, so if he vetoes it, the council will have to vote again and get a 2/3 majority to win.  Continue Reading →

Governor Neil Abercrombie’s Announcement on Bill 2491 Called Weak

Governor’s Announcement Raises Concern and Suspicion by Kauai Residents. “Voluntary Disclosure” of Pesticide Use Called “Weak,” and “Not A Substitute” for Strong County Mandates of Bill 2491.

Kauai residents reacted strongly to Governor Neil Abercrombie’s announcement on September 23, which requests agricultural entities to voluntarily disclose their “aggregated usage” of Restricted Use Pesticides until such time as rules and legislation are developed in the future. The Governor also stated that he would generally work with the State Legislature to seek funding for state agencies to address pesticide use compliance, without any further specific commitment. Continue Reading →

Pau Hana Friday for August 30


Margaritas at Tortilla Republic. Daniel Lane photo.

Margaritas at Tortilla Republic. Daniel Lane photo.


New Soup Cookbook

Helen Lacono, owner of the former Hanapepe Cafe, just released a cookbook. It’s based on the soups she makes and sells every Wednesday at the Kauai Culinary Market at The Shops at Kukuiula. Kauai Farmers Market Soups is available on Wednesdays at her market stand and the Talk Story Bookstore in Hanapepe. Continue Reading →

Pau Hana Friday for August 16

Pineapple Martini with blackberry drizzle at Oasis on the Beach. Daniel Lane photo

Pineapple Martini with blackberry drizzle at Oasis on the Beach. Daniel Lane photo


Tasting Kauai

Besides Amazon, Tasting Kauai: Restaurants is now available in paperback at The Feral Pig, Orchid Alley Kauai and Namahana Cafe. We’ll be adding more locations this month. Yesterday, I sold all the books I had ordered, placed a new order for double the amount, and was flying high all day. My mood dropped this morning when I got this email from TripAdvisor:


To be listed in the Attractions section, tour companies must offer tours on a regularly scheduled basis. Two tours per month does not qualify a company to be listed. The listing will be removed.

Best regards,


The TripAdvisor Support Team Continue Reading →

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