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Pau Hana Friday For October 5


Tasting Kauai

Gaylord's Mai Tai made with Koloa Rum. Click the picture for recipe. Daniel Lane photo

Gaylord’s Mai Tai made with Koloa Rum. Click the picture for recipe. Daniel Lane photo


If things look a little different to you, it’s because our website is getting an update. Besides a slightly different look, we are adding a payment option so tours can be booked online. Marta is writing a series of e-books which will be compiled into one book called A Culinary Romp Through Paradise: The Foodie’s Guidebook to Kauai. The book will have detailed listings of farmers markets, farmers, seasonality and descriptions of exotic produce, restaurants and food trucks, products made on Kauai with ingredients grown on Kauai, food related events, grocery stores that carry local products and more.

A series of e-books will be released as they are completed, which will be chapters in the final book. Since we are frequently asked, by locals and visitors alike, “Where are the best paces to eat?” we have compiled a list of our Top 20 Restaurants. We also support the Kauai artisans who hand-craft their products with passion, honesty and quality ingredients. Our Top 20 Artisans list features our favorite farm-fresh goodies.

Details can be read under the “Books” tab, which will be completed early next week. For now, you can check out what’s coming. Later, you’ll be able to download our Top 20. Part One: Restaurants, the first in our e-book series, is due to be released in November 2012. We have a lot of tasty information to share, and want to serve it like a multiple course dinner. Each e-book can be consumed and digested at you’re leisure, and just when you’re hungry for more, the next e-book should be fresh out of the oven! Continue Reading →

Pau Hana Friday for September 28


Koloa Community Market

Today's Pau Hana Friday drink is a chardonnay from J Vineyards served at the Kauai Grill. Daniel Lane photo.

Today’s Pau Hana Friday drink is a chardonnay from J Vineyards served at the Kauai Grill. Daniel Lane photo.

The Koloa Community Market is now closed. “A variety of circumstances pulled us in this direction,” writes market manager Pattie White in an email. “The timing, especially now that the summer tourism has declined, has considerably reduced foot-traffic. I believe the location and size proved to be a seasonal market, so who knows? Maybe next spring I’ll try again and have it remain open only through to end of August 2013.” Continue Reading →

Pau Hana Friday, May 18

Kauai Pasta Kapaa, Milk Shake for Adults. Daniel Lane photo

Kauai Pasta Kapaa, Milk Shake for Adults. Daniel Lane photo

Happy Aloha Friday Kauai Tasters!


Roy’s Poipu

Matthew Dela Cruz, executive chef of Roy’s Poipu Bar & Grill, is resigning. The chef makes Kauai proud, having graduated from the Culinary Program at Kauai Comminity College. He began at Roy’s 12-years ago, and has been the executive chef for the last five. We wish you the best Matt, where ever you go, and whatever you do! For more on Matt or Roy’s Poipu, check out my MidWeek Kauai article.


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