One Song Produce Available at Farmers Market - Tasting Kauai

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One Song Produce Available at Farmers Market

The former One Song Farm in Moloaa. Photo by Daniel Lane

The former One Song Farm in Moloaa. Photo by Daniel Lane

Tasting Kauai received an email from some of our favorite farmers. It provides an update, and the email has been left intact (we added the links) because it provides such a heartfelt update as to what Sun and Lisa and their farm Kumu Aina are up to. The good news is, we can buy their superb produce at the farmers market again. Whooty Woot!

For those of you who are not familiar with One Song Farm, Kumu Aina, or farmers Lisa Fuller and Sun, they are some of Kauai’s most sought after farmers, and their produce quickly sells out at the farmers market. Thick lines form in front of their stand before the market opens, and customers have been known to fight over their produce. In April of this year, One Song Farm relocated from Moloaa to Kalihiwai and reemerged as Kumu Aina, or “land as teacher”. The couple will focus on educational workshops on growing organically and sustainably with an emphasis on building healthy soil. Lucky for us, they decided to grow a small market garden. Now, from Sun and Lisa.

Lisa and Sun at their farm Kumu Aina which means "land as teacher". Daniel Lane photo

Lisa and Sun at their farm Kumu Aina which means “land as teacher”. Daniel Lane photo

“We sold at our first market since the “BIG MOVE” this last weekend at the Namahana Farmers Market, Saturday at 9 a.m., at the Kauai Mini Golf. We found out late Friday evening that we had the green light to join the festivities Saturday morning so we didn’t have much time to alert our fan club to come see us. It’s a nice market with a variety of vendors and they are strongly supporting organic and east/north shore farmers as much as possible.

“At this time, they are not accepting applications from farmers for the Saturday market so we are on the ‘vacation list’, sneaking into a spot when someone is off island or away for some reason. It’s OK for us because our offerings are spotty now as the farm unfolds. We are also beginning to supply Healthy Hut and Harvest Market with One Song Produce.

“As we trial our favorites, we are seeing which ones are strong in this new space and which ones we might need to replace.  We are very excited to be able to trial some varieties we could only dream about down in Moloaa.

Organically grown romaine lettuce from One Song Farm. Daniel Lane photo

Organically grown romaine lettuce from One Song Farm. Daniel Lane photo

“Cabbages, both typical and Chinese, love this new environment. Our favorite varieties of head lettuce from our own seed are doing well, also, and we are monitoring some exciting new varieties in our trials. Kale, as always, is a winner and the Lacinato (dinosaur) variety is performing much better in the new space. Kai Choi, which is our favorite green for our famous (to those who have tasted it) ‘Kai Kim Chee‘ is getting big and luscious. And the cilantro is abundant and flavorful.

“That is just a small taste. Much more is happening and coming soon.  Our main focus is improving the quality of soil and the food quality will continue to get better and better because of it. We are also developing our educational outreach and completing the roof on our little house. Bit by bit…

“Sun is becoming a consistent guest host on the KKCR ‘Back to the Garden’ Show the second Wednesday of the month at noon time, giving Paul Massey a much earned break each month.

“Deep appreciation and love to all who have been supporting us physically, emotionally and spiritually. You know who you are.”

If farmers could have groupies, we’d be some. Well, we kind of are. This is exciting news for Kauai, and gets us here at Tasting Kauai a little geeked out. Just thinking of their crisp and sweet romaine lettuce makes our mouths water. We sure do miss it! Anyway, be sure to visit Tasting Kauai, we’ll give Kumu Aina updates as soon as we get them!

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