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Golden Passion Fruit Custard Bars

 Golden Passion Fruit Custard Bars

Passion Fruit Custard Bars. Marta Lane photo

Golden Passion Fruit Custard Bars. Marta Lane photo

The crust for this recipe has a delightful coconut flavor because I use coconut oil instead of butter. The naturally occurring saturated fat in coconut oil is good for you and improves heart health, boosts your thyroid, increases metabolism, promotes weight loss, and supports the immune system. Combine that with the health benefits of lilikoi, and you have a traditional dessert bar that’s about as healthy as you can make. Makes 18, 3-inch bars. Continue Reading →

Kauai Sunrise Passion Fruit Muffins

Sunrise Muffins

Sunrise Muffins. Marta Lane photo

Sunrise Muffins. Marta Lane photo



I call these Sunrise Muffins because the lilikoi makes them a deep orange color; the same color that I am blessed to see when the sun rises on Kauai. The muffins are full of chunky pineapple, shredded coconut, bananas, and macadamia nuts, and make a delightful companion to a cup of Kauai Coffee. Continue Reading →

An Abundance of Lilikoi at Kauai Glory Farms

Hanna and James Huang of Kauai Glory Farms. Daniel Lane photo

Hanna and James Huang of Kauai Glory Farms. Daniel Lane photo

Recently, Dan and I went to Kauai Glory Farms to interview James and Hannah Huang about broccoli. The couple lease the land, and farm two properties. Both are on the east side of Kauai. One is in Kealia, not far from the beach, and the other is in Kapahi.

“We can’t really farm at the Kealia gardens anymore,” Hannah says mournfully. Her Chinese accent has a sweet, little girl lilt. Her husband is quiet, his English isn’t as strong as Hannah’s. “The nene (Hawaii’s endangered State bird) eat everything. The only thing they don’t eat is leeks and green onions, so that’s all we can plant there.” Continue Reading →

The Hawaii Book of Rice Cookbook Review, Part 1

Cheryl Chee Tsutsumi

Cheryl Chee Tsutsumi signing books at the Culinary Market. Daniel Lane photo

I first met Cheryl Chee Tsutsumi when she was autographing copies of her new cookbook, “The Hawaiian Book of Rice”. I was strolling through Poipu’s Culinary Market at Kukuiula Shopping Village, my favorite farmers market, when I noticed a crowd.

I love cookbooks, and they seem to fill my shelves without me noticing. Since I grew up in Colorado, I’m especially interested in cookbooks written by residents of Hawaii. As I waited in line, I noticed that proceeds were being donated to the Hawaii Food Bank (bonus), and she was giving out rice paddles to everyone who bought a copy (bonus-bonus!) Continue Reading →

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