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Food growers of Kauai including farmers, ranchers, and fishermen.

Mango Sauce


Sauteed Kauai Shrimp with Mango Sauce.

Sauteed Kauai Shrimp with Mango Sauce.

Mango sauce that’s sweet, tangy and spicy, and goes well with tofu, fish, chicken or seared Kauai Shrimp. It’s so good, you can use leftovers on morning yogurt! Makes about one cup. Continue Reading →

Kauai Mango Season

Right now, scent of mangoes cling to the thick air at Kauai farmers markets. Typically, mango season in Hawaii varies on climate conditions, but they usually begin ripening in April and are available throughout October. Flowering begins in early spring when showy clusters, which grow up to 16-inches long, cascade down trees that grow up to 100 feet tall. Continue Reading →

Kauai Organic Gardening Class

Lisa and Sun work the land by hand. Daniel Lane photo

Lisa and Sun work the land by hand. Daniel Lane photo

Lisa Fuller and her husband Sun operate a bio-intensive farm called Kimu Aina and market organic produce under the name One Song Farm. The couple share 35-years of experience when it comes to growing organic food in the Islands. I will always remember my first interview with them. Continue Reading →

Build A Tropical Fairy Garden

This KN&L Fairy Garden contains a path, a mailbox, a twig fence with a cardinal bird and succulent plants. Daniel Lane photo.

This KN&L Fairy Garden contains a path, a mailbox, a twig fence with a cardinal bird and succulent plants. Daniel Lane photo.

Fairy Gardens are popular ways to incorporate plants into every day life while evoking the mystery and magic of fairies. These miniature gardens are typically in pots, although you can create a Fairy Garden in your yard. Gardens include a variety of plants and accessories such as pottery; plastic animals and fencing; miniature arbors and gazebos; lamp posts; recycled lanterns; home-made walking paths; rivers with bridges; croquet games; scooters; mailboxes; pine cones, seeds and dry flower pods; and ceramic mushrooms. Some people even use edging material, cement and pebbles to create a patio for their miniature garden or tie twigs together to make a bridge. Continue Reading →

September is National Honey Month

Kauai honey bees getting drunk on honey. Daniel Lane photo

Kauai honey bees getting drunk on honey. Daniel Lane photo

September is National Honey Month, so it’s the perfect time to celebrate one of nature’s simplest pleasures. It’s hard to imagine anything more pure and natural than one-ingredient honey. Produced by bees from the nectar of plants and flowers, honey essentially flows from hive to the table. With more than 300  honey varietals found in the United States, all with a unique color and flavor, you are sure to find a honey varietal you will love. Continue Reading →

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