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Foodie things to do on Kauai

Pau Hana Friday for June 28

Kauai Sugarloaf White Pineapple. Daniel Lane photo

Kauai Sugarloaf White Pineapple. Daniel Lane photo


Kauai Sugarloaf White Pineapple

Hole in the Mountain Farm has launched their website, so you can ship a sweet taste of Kauai home. Owner Paul Huber, and his little dog assistant Panda, have planted 500 Kauai Sugarloaf White Pineapple in the last couple of weeks. They are well on their way to having Sugarloaf year round, and debunking the myth that Sugarloaf is only a summer crop.

“We have a large crop of beautiful field ripened and hand selected Kauai Sugarloaf White Pineapple ready for harvest that will be available for sale at Kukuiua Market in Poipu,” says Paul’s wife Jude. “I will be attending both the Wednesday Kukuiula Market and the Saturday Kauai Community College Market regularly and will continue to have Kauai Sugarloaf available for many months to come.

If you are visiting Kauai, Jude has been working closely with the Department of Agriculture. She always brings a few specially selected Kauai Sugarloaf Pineapple, to the market, which have been prepared for shipment/hand carry. The airport agricultural inspection will allow you to carry these Kauai Sugarloaf out of the state to anywhere in the United States, Canada, and Japan. Continue Reading →

Pau Hana Friday for June 21

Lychee were in season on last Friday's farm tour. Mom went crazy over them! Marta Lane photo

Lychee were in season on last Friday’s farm tour. Mom went crazy over them! Marta Lane photo


Tasting Kauai

Mom and dad left last Friday, after they went on our day-long culinary tour. It was a long day for my 83-year-old parents, but they enjoyed themselves! Dan and I got back to work on Monday, with the full intention of finishing up the paperback version of our restaurant guidebook. Wouldn’t you know it? Dan got two jobs that sidetracked him. We couldn’t put off our friends at Salty Wahine Gourmet Hawaiian Sea Salts or the Kauai Visitors Bureau so Dan spent the week designing a 12-foot by 8-foor banner for Salty Wahine to use at a trade show in New York, and taking shots of the Kauai Museum for the visitors bureau. He did get some time yesterday to work on it, so I am hopeful the paperback will be available by the end of this month. Continue Reading →

Pau Hana Friday for May 31

This pork belly bau is one of the images for a listing in our restaurant guide. Daniel Lane photo

This pork belly bau is one of the images for a listing in our restaurant guide. Daniel Lane photo


Tasting Kauai on Hawaii Public Radio

This morning, I was interviewed on Hawaii Public Radio for our new book, Tasting Kauai: Restaurants. I share poolside lunch bargains, little known dining options as well as food trends on Kauai. Here is a link: Tasty Finds on the Garden Isle.

If you listen to HPR, here is when it will run today:

KHPR ~ 4:30 p.m.
KIPO at 12:30 or 1:30 p.m. Exact timing inside the news programming is subject to change.

KHPR ~ Fine Arts & Classical Music

  • KHPR 88.1 Honolulu (Oahu and Kaua’i)
  • KKUA 90.7 Wailuku (Maui) heard on Maui, Moloka’i, Lana’i & West Hawai’i
  • KANO 91.1 Hilo (Hawai’i Island)
  • K234AN 94.7 Waimea (Hawai’i Island) Continue Reading →

Pau Hana Friday for May 24


Tasting Kauai: Restaurants

Our new book, Tasting Kauai: Restaurantsincludes 69 options for great tasting food and features chefs who make fresh food from scratch, using local ingredients whenever possible. The book will be a FREE Kindle download beginning Saturday, May 25 until Wednesday, May 29. You don’t need to own a Kindle device to enjoy Kindle books. Download one of the free Kindle apps to start reading Kindle books on all your devices. Enjoy!

Kauai Stories

We’d like to congratulate our friend and Kauai writer Pamela Varma Brown. Her book Kauai Stories has been named a finalist in the 2013 National Indie Excellence Book Awards in the Biography – Historical category.

Kauai Stories is a crisply edited collection of joyful stories told in people’s own words that illustrate life on the Garden Island. Told in the first person, Kauai Stories feels like each storyteller is talking directly to you over a cup of Kauai Coffee while sitting on the lanai of your own Hawaiian cottage. Continue Reading →

Pau Hana Friday for May 17


The guide includes some color photographs like this mahimahi with citrus beurre blanc, papaya salsa and wok-fried vegetables at Kukui’s on Kalapaki Beach. Daniel Lane photo.

The guide includes some color photographs like this mahimahi with citrus beurre blanc, papaya salsa and wok-fried vegetables at Kukui’s on Kalapaki Beach. Daniel Lane photo.

Last Sunday, we released the digital version of our book Tasting Kauai: Restaurants. There were some comments on our Facebook page that I’d like to address because there is a lot of anger and misinformation in today’s world, and I’d like our book to be a trusted source. One person was very upset that we attended a pop up dinner that had veal on the menu. Another person wanted to know if our book had GMO-Free listings.

At Tasting Kauai, we are very aware of how food gets to our table. That’s why we do what we do. We even have three pages on our website dedicated to conscious eating, food and farming definitions, and steps you can take. Our passion is to share our knowledge about the people and places that not only care about how food tastes but how it’s sourced. Everyday, we (at Tasting Kauai) make conscious choices so that the food we consume is wholesome for the people who grew it, the environment and ourselves. We have no desire to be perfect, rigid or militant about our choices. With that said, if you care about this sort of thing, using our guide will direct you to the places and people who cook good food from scratch with local ingredients whenever possible. If you don’t care about this sort of thing, then using our guide will direct you some great tasting food.

Kauai is a small island and 90 percent of our food is imported. That number makes us very vulnerable, and it’s impossible to do 100 percent local here. We don’t grow wheat, beans or grains, nor olive oil, onions, stone fruit or berries. Kauai is blessed with an abundance of small, family farms, most of who grow organic, some of who use a little commercial fertilizer.  Local beef is grass-fed on thousands of acres of pasture. Experimental test crops (aren’t they all really?) of GMO corn seed grows on the west side, Poipu and Lihue. The “food” doesn’t get consumed here, but the biotech companies, which infiltrate our state, contribute a lot of money to government agencies, politicians, community events and schools. Because they have the money to pay ten times the normal rent for land, they get to stay. The best way to avoid GMO food is to avoid processed food that comes in packaging. Continue Reading →

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