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Kauai Garden Party and Earth Day

Dr. Adam Asquith mixes amendments with volunteers in the Kawaikini PCS school garden. Photo courtesy of Kawaikini.

Dr. Adam Asquith mixes amendments with volunteers in the Kawaikini PCS school garden. Photo courtesy of Kawaikini.

Malama Kauai is hosting a Garden Party at Kawaikini Public Charter  School, a Hawaiian immersion school in Lihue, on Saturday, February 27. The public is invited to join parents, teachers, students and others from the community to enhance the garden for the education and health of the students. Continue Reading →

Hawaii Master Food Preserver Certificate Program

Each student will take home a large variety of preserved items upon completion of the Hawaii Master Food Preservers class. Daniel Lane photo

Each student will take home a large variety of preserved items upon completion of the Hawaii Master Food Preservers class. Daniel Lane photo

The Hawaii Master Food Preserver Certificate Program will begin classes on Kauai in March. Class are on March 30, March 31, April 01, April 07, April 8, April 13, April 14 and April 15 from 1 to 7 p.m., at the classroom and kitchen facilities located at Waipa Foundation in Hanalei. Continue Reading →

Tapas at Kukuiula Under New Ownership

Our Kauai Food Tour -South Shore concludes at Kauai's premiere gourmet farmers market at the Shops at Kukuiula. Daniel Lane photo

Our Kauai Food Tour -South Shore concludes at Kauai’s premiere gourmet farmers market at the Shops at Kukuiula. Daniel Lane photo

The grand opening of the new Tapas at Kukuiula restaurant, featuring a traditional Hawaiian blessing by Kapu Kelvin Ho, will be held at the Shops at Kukuiula on Thursday, January 14, 2016 starting at 4:00pm. The Shops at Kukuiula purchased the restaurant from Jean Marie Josselin late in 2015. Continue Reading →

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