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Beekeepers and Public Interest Groups Sue EPA Over Bee-Toxic Pesticides

Our bees need protecting. Daniel Lane photo

Our bees need protecting. Daniel Lane photo


Last Thursday, four beekeepers and five environmental and consumer groups filed a public interest lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on its failure to protect pollinators from dangerous pesticides. The coalition, represented by attorneys for the Center for Food Safety (CFS), seeks suspension of the registrations of insecticides that have repeatedly been identified as highly toxic to honey bees, clear causes of major bee kills and significant contributors to the devastating ongoing mortality of bees known as colony collapse disorder (CCD). The suit not only challenges EPA’s handling of the pesticides, but also raises concerns over the agency’s practice of “conditional registration” and pesticide labeling deficiencies. Continue Reading →

Hawaii FoodCorps Seeks Applicants For Service Member Positions

Image courtesy of Malama Kauai.

Image courtesy of Malama Kauai.

The national FoodCorps is recruiting service members throughout Hawaii who are passionate about healthy food, farms, and kids to help connect our keiki (children) to real food and help them grow up healthy.

FoodCorps, a national organization addressing childhood obesity and food insecurity in underserved communities, operates in 12 states, and this year will be adding Hawaii, California, and New Jersey. FoodCorps has selected The Kohala Center as its host site in Hawaii. FoodCorps is accepting applications for its third class of service members, and is seeking to hire ten service members in Hawaii.

Colleen Carroll, Director of the Kauai School Garden Network says, “Here on the island of Kauai we are privileged to host two of the ten Food Corps service members. This is a unique opportunity for selected service members to receive training and experience on the leading edge of School Gardens and Farm to School Programs in Hawaii. Service members will work to increase the availability of healthy local food at our schools; teaching in and expanding the outdoor school gardens at the selected school sites; and working with the community to integrate local skills and knowledge and awareness of the school’s healthy food and garden activities.” Continue Reading →

6,740 Demand Senate Rescind Monsanto Lobbyist Appointment

Hawaii State Senate President Donna Mercado Kim appointed Alan Takemoto, the Monsanto lobbyist, to be on the nominating committee which picks the candidates for our water commission.

Monsanto is a controversial company that is using our islands as a testing ground for its new pesticides and GMO science experiments—because we’re in the middle of the Pacific ocean in case something goes terribly wrong.

Tasting Kauai wants Sen. Kim, to rescind his appointment of Monsanto lobbyist Alan Takemoto, and appoint someone who has the best interests of the Hawaii citizens as his priority.

On Thursday at 3 p.m., organizers will deliver a petition asking Senate President Donna Mercado Kim to rescind her appointment of Monsanto Lobbyist, Alan Takemoto, to the Water Commission nominating committee.

The appointment of an employee of the controversial Monsanto corporation angered organizers who point out that Monsanto has been turned down twice for bigger shares of Oahu and Maui water allotments. Organizers are concerned that another pro-Monsanto Water Commissioner could tip the balance of power towards Monsanto next time they ask for a bigger water allotment.

“It is inexplicable that with respected UH professors, literally hundreds of trained geologists and watershed experts, that the Senate would appoint a partisan multinational corporate lobbyist instead,” said organizer, Karen Chun. “Here on Maui we have rationing and our county controls only about 9 percent of our water with a lion’s share being taken by large agricultural corporations like Monsanto. Ag corporations know how to use water – they are not experts in the skills required to manage and protect water supplies.”

Nomi Kaheaonalani Carmona, who will present the petition added, “Our ethics laws need strengthening. It is beyond belief that a corporate representative with a clear agenda of wanting more water would have a voice in who serves on the Water Commission. What was the Senate thinking?”

Click here if you would like to sign the Rescind Monsanto Lobbyist Appointment to Water Commission Nomination Committee petition.

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