6,740 Demand Senate Rescind Monsanto Lobbyist Appointment - Tasting Kauai

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6,740 Demand Senate Rescind Monsanto Lobbyist Appointment

Hawaii State Senate President Donna Mercado Kim appointed Alan Takemoto, the Monsanto lobbyist, to be on the nominating committee which picks the candidates for our water commission.

Monsanto is a controversial company that is using our islands as a testing ground for its new pesticides and GMO science experiments—because we’re in the middle of the Pacific ocean in case something goes terribly wrong.

Tasting Kauai wants Sen. Kim, to rescind his appointment of Monsanto lobbyist Alan Takemoto, and appoint someone who has the best interests of the Hawaii citizens as his priority.

On Thursday at 3 p.m., organizers will deliver a petition asking Senate President Donna Mercado Kim to rescind her appointment of Monsanto Lobbyist, Alan Takemoto, to the Water Commission nominating committee.

The appointment of an employee of the controversial Monsanto corporation angered organizers who point out that Monsanto has been turned down twice for bigger shares of Oahu and Maui water allotments. Organizers are concerned that another pro-Monsanto Water Commissioner could tip the balance of power towards Monsanto next time they ask for a bigger water allotment.

“It is inexplicable that with respected UH professors, literally hundreds of trained geologists and watershed experts, that the Senate would appoint a partisan multinational corporate lobbyist instead,” said organizer, Karen Chun. “Here on Maui we have rationing and our county controls only about 9 percent of our water with a lion’s share being taken by large agricultural corporations like Monsanto. Ag corporations know how to use water – they are not experts in the skills required to manage and protect water supplies.”

Nomi Kaheaonalani Carmona, who will present the petition added, “Our ethics laws need strengthening. It is beyond belief that a corporate representative with a clear agenda of wanting more water would have a voice in who serves on the Water Commission. What was the Senate thinking?”

Click here if you would like to sign the Rescind Monsanto Lobbyist Appointment to Water Commission Nomination Committee petition.

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6 Responses to 6,740 Demand Senate Rescind Monsanto Lobbyist Appointment

  1. Debi February 26, 2013 at 8:50 am #

    Signed… and mahalo for bringing this to my attention!

  2. Seeds February 26, 2013 at 1:41 pm #

    Mahalo for signing Debi!

  3. Seeds February 26, 2013 at 2:10 pm #

    Sneaky. The committee met on February 22 in secret executive session. I called the Governor’s office and said this:

    Don’t appoint a Monsanto-connected person to the Water Commission
    Don’t appoint a person from an organization with Monsanto connections (like A&B or the Farm Bureau)
    Farming makes people experts at USING water – not managing it
    We need hydrologists watershed experts and ecologists appointed to the Water Commission – not individuals with a financial stake in the water.

    It was easy and the lady who answered was nice. Phone: 808-586-0034

  4. Janine February 26, 2013 at 6:30 pm #

    Hi Marta, Thanks for spreading the word. I truly believe this is the type of action that really makes a difference – on many levels. And it must be true or the big ag corps would not work so hard to get on these commissions and boards. Sunshine!!

  5. Seeds February 26, 2013 at 7:48 pm #

    Mahalo Janine! I totally agree with you. I was so happy to see you at the Waipa farmers market today. We are having Black Dog Farm mango-sage dressing on our dinner salad. Thank you for making and selling yummy, organic mustards, hot sauces and dressing! We love your stuff!

  6. Janine February 27, 2013 at 2:56 pm #

    You are so sweet! It was great to see you too and I’m glad you enjoyed the dressing. Mango makes everything taste better, doesn’t it?

    And I hope you will have a positive update on the water commission issue soon. They are not used to people paying attention, I have heard having just 6 people call a state rep will make them sit up and take notice on an issue. I’ve been around the organic/foodie movement for awhile, and I have never seen so many people from every walk of life educating themselves and becoming vocal. I hope this continues, those of us who like to know what we are eating, how it was grown, where it came from may not have well paid lobbyists but we have a voice, a vote and purchasing power. We need to use all 3, and we need our reps to listen to us too. Common sense and respect, all around.

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